Important Note for Issuance of NOC and Possession letters Click Here to Book Your Dream House NOTICE REGARDING ALTERATIONS/MODIFICATION BY FLAT BUYERS Last opportunity to fill Customer Data for Amrapali IMT Manesar Court Receiver Office is engaged with important processes, Hence Pre-Registration Stage Transfer process is on hold till further Information.. Appeal Amrapali Home Buyers from Court Receiver Kind Attn. IMT Manesar Amrapali Buyers are hereby instructed to fill Customer Data on urgent basis Kind Attn. Amrapali Buyers who is making payment in UCO Bank Notice to Amrapali Home Buyers for formation of Association All RWA President and Secretary is hereby requested to send their contact information such as WhatsApp mobile number and E-mail Id for Smooth/Fast functioning, please send it on . Amrapali Tech Park Buyers Register Themself. Final List of Defaulting Amrapali Home Buyers. Home buyers whose units have been shifted from one project to another project are also requested to register themselves in customer portal till 31.12.2021. Shifting of office of the Court Receiver – Amrapali w.e.f 01-12-2021 Final List of Defaulting Home Buyers . All Home Buyers are requested to take prior appointment to visit Court Receiver Office. For Book an Appointment Send a mail to Mr. Padmanabhan at Alert for All Home Buyers Recent Supreme Court Orders HOME BUYERS GIVING ‘ACCEPTANCE’ AS PER EMAIL -MUST SEND ‘PAYMENT SUMMARY DETAILS’ List of Bank’s Nodal Officer for Home Loan has been uploaded. No Home buyer should spread any message about Amrapali Projects without the authorisation of the Court Receiver. Court Receiver Office wishes all Amrapali Project stakeholders a happy and prosperous New Year 2021. Court Receiver Office has instructed NBCC to allow Home Buyers to visit their project any day 10 AM - 4 PM till 7th Jan and thereafter same earlier schedule which is every Saturday 11 AM to 1 PM. Home Buyers may use this opportunity and get themselves updated. NOTICE REGARDING MEETING IN PERSON All Mails/Queries to will only be entertained. Please do not send acknowledgement mail or payment receipt to us. In Case Your Name Is Missing in the Customer Data. In Case You Are Not Able To Find Your Unit While Searching On Our Portal . In Case You Are Not Able To Receive OTP.

Office of Court Receiver


C-56/40, Sector -62
Near Institutional Area
Noida- Uttar Pradesh

All Home Buyers of Amrapali Projects may visit  for enquiries at the above address

The Hon’ble Supreme Court by its judgment dated 23.07.2019 issued several directions towards ensuring steps and measures for execution and completion of all pending project of Amrapali. Cases of Home Buyers awaiting execution of tripartite agreements and those awaiting completion of their projects  have been dealt with by the Court.

The directions issued by the Court relate to the steps to be taken by Central Government, State Government, Noida and Greater Noida Authorities, NBCC and various Banks.

The Hon’ble Supreme Court appointed Shri. R. Venkataramani, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court as Court Receiver, and the directions in this regard are follows:

            (ii) The various lease deeds granted in favour of Amrapali Group of Companies by Noida and Greater Noida Authorities for projects in question stand cancelled and rights henceforth, to vest in Court Receiver;

(x) We appoint Shri R. Venkataramani, learned Senior Advocate, as the Court Receiver. The right of the lessee shall vest in the Court Receiver and he shall execute through authorized person on his behalf, the tripartite agreement and do all other acts as may be necessary and also to ensure that title is passed on to home buyers and possession is handed over to them.

In terms of the above direction, the Receiver has been coordinating with various authorities towards processing, studying, and completion of the task given unto the Receiver.

Further The Hon’ble Supreme Court by its judgment dated 13.01.2020 formed a  committee to aid and advise the office of the court receiver and for the day to day functioning. The present committee members are as under

  1. R. Venkatramani (learned Receiver)
  2. Ravinder Bhatia (Forensic Auditor)
  3. Devendra K. Mishra (Chartered Accountant).

Further the Services rendered by  M/s. Devendra K. Mishra & Co., Chartered Accountants, New Delhi, has been opted by the Court Receiver in the matters referred to the Committee.